If I firstly refer you to one of my earlier posts, its quite clear that I had trouble accessing the Internet from the Atrium due to the poor instructions on the wireless page. But I have to say that all of the booklets and even the homepage for the wireless are now looking good…I’m impressed! The help available is so much more clear now. And after speaking briefly to Jonathan Cushnie, it turns out there’s not been any complaints so far about accessing the wireless, which is great.
At the minute I’m just trying to find out about the Acceptable Users Policy and what’s happening with that with regard to the wireless.
After returning to work today after having suspected Swine Flu (apparently there’s not that much difference between normal flu, swine flu, and something called fresher’s flu!) I have found out that the Wireless Printing is going ahead and should be up and running in a few weeks. As a student, it sounds fab =) I’ll refer you to Nick Jackson’s Blog as Nick is the one who is setting it all up and he will be able to keep you all up to date.