This Week…

…hasn’t been the best.
I got my first out of five assignments back and I wasn’t very happy. Quite gutted if I’m perfectly honest. It was one of my favourite ones that I wrote aswell, I really enjoyed writing it and I did PANTS! I don’t think I want my others back. Coursework is supposed to be my strength too, I normally rely on my marks from my written work so if I do ever do terrible on exams my coursework mark will bump it up a little. This is my final year and I don’t want to ‘flunk it’ (as my dad would say!) OH PANTS!!

My partner is struggling to walk because he has shin splints. They don’t sound too nice…what are they exactly?! Apart from being extremely painful!!
Are there any home remedies that might help them get better so he doesn’t have to pay £36 a session for people sticking pins in his legs or squeezing them so he screams?

BUT…last night at the youth club we did have a Tropical Animals show which was pretty Fab! He brought in snakes, birds, cute little meerkats, a scorpion and a spider =D The kids loved it, it was brillaint.
And and and…at the end when the kids had gone the guy let his meerkats out again and let them run around us. Never ever been so close to a meerkat so i could touch it before, they’re adorable and they really do look so much like Timon from the Lion King. (One of them was called Timon aswell!)
Here’s the link to my album on facebook of the animals (hopefully it will let you look at it!):

And on the blog front…still not much happening.

What’s on and What’s Been on!?!

On Friday I went to give a little demostration on Google Docs over in the Chancellor’s office to someone who worked over there and it didnt work out as planned which was a bit of a pain. So number 1 on the agenda is to find out why it didnt work and tell the lady I demonstrated it to, make a help document for sharing files and shoot myself because it was so embarrassing!
Number 2 on the agenda is to investigate the portal. David Raines may be starting me on a project with the Portal but first I have to complete a task in ‘Portal Demystified’.

And then on the student side, I need to kick my bum into gear and get my assignments written!
Practically living in the library in my spare time!!
The only problem…the heating is up and down like crazy…I need heat!

An Apology

I really should make an apology to David Raines, Creator of the Portal, for a previous post I wrote. He found my post and I don’t think he was too happy! So to prove that the Portal isn’t as useless as people may think, he helped me find useful documents =) And I have to say, they are a big help! I specifically wanted documents on the University Regulations with regard to Assignments etc and information on Plagiarism, and Dave found them for me.
(Please note, it was Dave who found them, so I feel there is still a problem with finding things. I find it to be very ‘busy’.)

Also, after looking around Blackboard Dave found some Communities that I could enrol to that give information on Plagiarism and Exam techniques. Absolutely brilliant!
The thing is…I never knew these existed. So for the past 2 years I have been completely oblivious to these guidelines because the academics didn’t tell us about them! Why they wouldn’t tell us about something like this is unbeknown to me.

Better late than never I suppose.